Don Moore


Don Moore and his wife, Wynn, have been married over 30 years with 4 grown kids and 8 grandkids scattered across the nation. Living with them now are 2 chickens, 2 cats, 1 tiny dog and an aquarium full of fish, the smallest collection of animals they have ever had together. Wynn’s love of horses and Don’s for guitars started in childhood and continues today, eclipsed only by a love for each other and a common love for Christ and the church.

A native Texan, Don was born and raised in that little town northeast of Clifton called Dallas. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Radio/TV/Film from the University of North Texas in Denton. Wynn’s degree in communications is from Tarleton State University in Stephenville. Don enjoyed successful careers in radio broadcasting and music studio production before answering God’s call to serve in ministry.

He has served the United Methodist Church for 20 years through churches in McKinney, Temple, Hico and now at FUMC Clifton. He also serves Walnut Springs Memorial UMC and the District Committee of Ordained Ministry. He attended Perkins School of Theology and Austin Seminary and is an Ordained elder in the United Methodist Church.

Don loves the Beatles, Bach, Haggard, Stevie (Wonder and Vaughan) and pretty much all kinds of music. He calls it one of God’s greatest invisible gifts to humankind. Wynn works for the Bosque County Courthouse, loves to garden, cook, and take in stray animals (like Don.) Don’s weakness is good Mexican food.Wynn’s is good BBQ.

They are thankful to continue the United Methodist tradition in Clifton and are excited to be a part of what God is doing in and through this church.